Bio-stimulant - Sculptra

Sculptra is an injectable that helps to restore your skin’s inner structure and volume. This reduces facial wrinkles and folds.
Sculptra works within the deep layers of the skin to help restore and revitalize collagen production.
Sculptra is used to correct shallow to deep wrinkles and folds on the face. Administered with the appropriate injection technique from a trained specialist, Sculptra is clinically approved for:
- Deep folds between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds), also called “smile lines”
- Lines framing the mouth (marionette lines)
- Chin wrinkles
On average, a series of three treatment sessions over the course of a few months may be needed. The number of injections at each session will vary, depending on the degree of correction needed and the treatment plan determined by you and your specialist
Sculptra is designed to give you noticeable results that emerge gradually and can last up to two years. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see immediate results. A few days after treatment, you may look as you did before treatment. This is normal and temporary.
The Sculptra regimen delivers its full effects with an average of three treatment sessions over the course of a few months. Because results happen gradually, you’ll see subtle, yet noticeable, results in the reduction of facial wrinkles and folds by comparing images before treatments started, and then a couple months following treatments.
- Apply a cold pack to the affected area for a few minutes at a time within the first 24 hours.
- Following treatment, massage the area for five minutes at a time, five times a day, for five days.